3、电子书 Fishman,R., 2005. Therise and fall of suburbia. [e-book]. Chester: CastlePress. Available at: libweb.anglia.ac.uk/ E-books [accessed 5June2005] 4、从网上下载的论文或者是电子杂志 姓氏,名字的首个大写字母., 年份. 文章名.期刊名(斜体),第几卷(Volume)第几期(number),页码. 网址. Jenkings,R.,1989. Clashing with caching. ARIADNE, [Online] Issue 21,10 September. Available at: 网址. [accessed2 December 2004] 5、报纸上的文章 姓氏,名字的首个大写字母., 年份. 文章名.报纸名(斜体),改文章发表的日期,页码. 页码. Slapper, G., 2005. Corporate manslaughter: new issues for lawyers.TheTimes, 3 Sep. p.4-5. (二)两个作者 两个作者之间用and 或者&链接,其他同(一) 如:Kirk, J.& Munday, R.J., 1988. Narrativeanalysis. 3rd ed.Bloomington: Indiana University Press. (三)三个或者三个以上作者 列出第一个作者之后,加et al.(等等的意思),其他同(一) 如Grace, B. etal., 1988. A history of theworld. Princeton, NJ: PrincetonUniversity Press
1. 引用作者只有一位的书
Last name, First initial. (Year published). Title. Edition. (Only include the edition if it is not the first edition) City published: Publisher, Page(s).
范文: One author AND first edition:
Patterson, J. (2005). Maximum ride. New York: Little, Brown.
范文: One author AND NOT the first edition
Dahl, R. (2004). Charlie and the chocolate factory. 6th ed. New York: Knopf.
2. 引用两位作者或以上的书
当引用的书的作者多于一位时,则按照书本上的排列顺序写上即可。使用 “and”来分隔名字。
Last name, First initial. and Last name, First initial. (Year published). Title. City: Publisher, Page(s).
Desikan, S. and Ramesh, G. (2006). Software testing. Bangalore, India: Dorling Kindersley, p.156.
Vermaat, M., Sebok, S., Freund, S., Campbell, J. and Frydenberg, M. (2014). Discovering computers. Boston: Cengage Learning, pp.446-448.
Daniels, K., Patterson, G. and Dunston, Y. (2014). The ultimate student teaching guide. 2nd ed. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications, pp.145-151.
3. 论文
Last name, First initial. (Year published). Dissertation title. Academic Level of the Author. Name of University, College, or Institution.
Shaver, W. (2013). Effects of Remediation on High-Stakes Standardized Testing. PhD. Yeshiva University.